Friday, September 11, 2015

Korea's best Season: What to do in Fall.

My absolute favorite season in Korea is fall. Skies are bright blue. The weather is nice, and I can dress up nicely without having to worry about sweating of my make-up. Especially when I indulge in an activity that I thorougly enjoy, walking around and getting lost in wonderous new areas.

Seoul Grand Park

A perfect place to enjoy walking around in my favorite season is Seoul Grand Park, located a convenient subway ride away, just outside of the Seoul metropolitan area.


Bring your camera and go up Seoul Grand Park Forest park, which is a narrow path that takes visitors up and down the park's trails. The entrance point can be found behind the Forest Exhibition Center (to the right side of the main entrance of the Seoul Zoo in Seoul Grand Park), and another behind the Australian Pavilion.

Enjoy the changing of the color of the leaves, the fresh air, and the beautiful scenery in as little as 50 minutes or take the long route that takes 2,5 hours.

What is your favorite activity in Fall?

Love, Wietske

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