Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Korean Inspiration: Korean Englishman

Do you need some motivation for your Korean studies? Are you wondering if all this studying really pays of and if you are every going to reach fluency? I, for sure, needed some motivation, especially when I was studying Korean by myself back in my home country.

If you are like I was back in the day, studying Korean alone in my bedroom at night. Fear not, I have a great inspiration for you in the form of Korean Englishman or 영국남자 as he is known on youtube.

Josh is a British youtuber who makes videos explaining English life to his viewers but also explains Korean culture and food to his English friends and the result is rather hilarious!

His videos are short, catchy and both subtitled in Korean and English so great for learning Korean. So if you are in need of a little pick me up during your korean studies go watch him!

What motivates you when you feel a bit overwhelmed with your language studies?

Love, Wietske

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